Monday, June 24, 2013


Hi everyone!, today I’m going to talk about animals. Let me say that animals are adorable, all of them. Each species of animal has some very special features that not everybody is able to notice. I consider myself, of course, an animal lover.

When I was a kid I used to have a lot of pets!. I had a beautiful cat and a lot of dogs, in different times each one, but I loved all of them. My last pet was a sweet cat named “Aureliano”, he made me a lot of company in difficult times, and he died four years ago. I still miss my cat, a lot. Today I have no pets, because of many reasons: I live alone with my mother, so it’s hard for us to give good care to animals (we don’t spend much time at home), and unfortunately for some economic reasons. But I miss to have a kitten, and I’d love to have one. As cute as puppies can be, I think cats are better pets, because they are more independent, cunning and agile.

In the summer of 2006 I met a woman in the city of La Serena, whom rented us a bedroom to stay and she had a beautiful big parrot that could whistle a little song. It was amazing to share time with that parrot.
I’m a person who’s totally against zoos; I hate to see animals kept away from their natural environment, stressed. Wild animals really suffer in such small place, with all the conditions against their nature, without peace. It’s really sad.

I have a really negative perception about people who wear fur coats. The most soft that I can say is that I consider that those people are insane, without moral sense and no respect for other species. For me is unbelievable that people can do that for glamour, or to show that is so cool, or so wealthy… really makes me sick.

 I’ve never been bitten by a dog, lucky me! But I’ve been bitten by mosquitoes… as everyone, I think. Dogs should be muzzled exceptionally only when they’re being attended by a vet, but there are some other situations that make me over think this. There are situations, for example, of little kids or even women or men killed by big bites of dogs. Otherwise, these situations are very exceptional.

According to Chinese Zodiac, I’m a snake; but personally, I’m not a fond of zodiac. If I could be an animal, I’d be a dolphin. These are amazing animals, very smart, able to learn really fast. They can communicate between themselves through a very complex system… that’s all I can say.

Thanks for reading. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

A photo I love: the beautiful south of Chile

I like this photo a lot!. I took this photo on a trip that I made with my mother this very year, on summer. We had a lot of fun in the south of Chile. That day there was an accident in the highway, so the bus took a different route and got inside the country side. A trip that supposed to last between one hour and half to two hours (from ChiloƩ to Puerto Montt), it took four hours! and the view was amazing. This pictures shows the beautiful sunset, a lagoon and the always lovely nature. I was very admired by every detail that the country offered to us: the field, the trees, the animals... so I took my camera and started to take many photos of this place, but I think that this one is my favourite because of all the sensations that I felt in that moment, and the way I feel when I see it... it's just magnificent. Besides, I remember the good moments that I spend with my mother. I love nature and all its details, I hope you enjoy from it as much as I do.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hi everyone!... today I'm going to express some words about technology, not any... but one in particular of my own like. First, I have to tell you, I'm not fan of technology, so writing this post is very very difficult. My favorite piece of technology is my MP3, and I got it when I was in my first year of college... and by that I mean the 2007. Yes...long ago.

I used mostly to have a record of my classes, because my mind is so dispersed that I totally didn't get some very important ideas from the teachers, but thanks to my mp3 I could record them and that let me have some good marks. Today, I mostly use it for listening to music. I don't use it anymore to record classes because there is no time to listening to them later. I use it very often, mostly to study. The kind of music that I have actually is very relaxing and calm, I have some classic music too, so is ideal when I have to read and the environment is not very suitable.

I like it because I can carry on my music and get relax anytime I want or need. Without it my life would be pretty much the same, because when I don't carry it with me, I get home and listen to music of my computer, or CD's or any other sources with the music I like. I enjoy the fact that I don't depend on it.

Well, this is not much, but I hope you like it. Take care, see you soon.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Good night everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the dreams. What are they? There’s a lot to say about this. Although there’s no completely certain about what dreams are, many scholars had some very interesting ideas. For example, Freud believed that dreams are symbolic expressions of unconscious wishes, powerful and repressed. These wishes were expressed in disguised form because they harbored veiled desires, like a forbidden sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex.

On the other hand, J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley believed that dreams are just nervous signs that come from the brainstem and stimulate cortical zones. These discharges would occur automatically each 90 minutes and hold the activation for 30 minutes; also they activate the anterior encephalon and association zones in the cortex, inciting memories and emotions.
We have two different points of view about what finally dreams are.

Even for some societies they are sort of predictions of the future. As I said before, actually there is no a completely certain about what they are, but we have some ideas.

I usually remember my dreams; they are very alive and colorful. I mostly have nightmares, but a very nice dream I had recently was being embraced with my very best friend, enjoying the nurture of it.  Besides my night dreams, I’ve been always a daydreamer! Dreams and aspirations are not a waste of time, they let us put golds in our life and fight for making them come true.

I honestly, cannot imagine myself with a lot of money or political power, these are not golds in my life, and they’ve never been, so I couldn’t say what I’d do with them. But I can tell you that my dream for the future is becoming in a great help for the children who has been severely damaged. They are our future; they need to be protected for better days in our society.  

Monday, May 6, 2013


Hi everyone!, today I'm going to talk about music and what music means in my life. Music means everything to me, because it has been present all along. In my family, my uncles are musicians, and I love to sing, but I'm not quite a singer. I also love to play instruments such as the guitar, or charango and I like to learn how to play them, like the violin.

The music I like is very varied. I like classic music, a little bit of classic rock, a little bit of metal and some other styles, most of them very relaxing styles. But what I dislike is reggaeton or pop music... really dislike. As you can see, it's more what I like that what I dislike. I have to tell you, that I love salsa, not quite to listen to it as every day, but I love to dance with it. It is a very joyful music and salsa dancers move with such a grace that it's impossible to me not to join to activities related to this style. 

I used to download music files from the internet, and I really enjoyed. But then I didn't anymore... there's no reason for this... I just stopped one day, and that's it. I rarely listen to the radio, but when I do I listen to "radio futuro". It plays mostly rock.

If I was song, I would be "postcards from Italy" by Beirut, because this song makes me feel chills every time I listen to it. And it's not for it lyrics, it's mostly for the rhythm and the instruments, the combination of them.. it's a really beautiful and pleasant song.  As I mentioned before, I really like to sing. Some of my friends says that I have a beautiful voice, but I have to learn to project it and make the sing a little bit louder. I have singed before in karaoke, not quite successfully (because I'm a little shy); so I rather to sing in the shower.  

I think that a world without music would be a very sad place to live. I think that music, happy or not, it helps you out to connect with yourself, because when you feel that music moves every part of your body, it helps you to disconnect somehow for all the things that makes us feel overloaded and have your own space. As you can see, in my way to see it, music is very important to me because all the emotions that flourish and make me feel in a particular way. 

I hope you like to read this, see you soon!

Monday, April 29, 2013

An expert I admire

Hi everyone!. Today I'm going to talk about an Expert I admire in my field. I'm a student of psychology, I'm in my first year. I know just a little of what I'm expected to learn in my career, but for what I know now, I'm going to tell you a little about Carl Gustav Jung and his work, for whom I take my hat off.

Carl Gustav Jung, born in 1875, Switzerland, was a psychiatrist, psychologist and an essayist; as you can see, a remarkable man. His figure in those fields was very important in the initial stage of psychoanalysis; and also he was the founder of the school of analytical psychology, also known as complex psychology and depth psychology. He is often related to Sigmund Freud, because he was his collaborator at his beginnings. Jung's theoretical and clinical approach emphasized the functional connection between the structure of the psyche and its products. This motivated him to incorporate in his methods some ideas  from anthropology, alchemy, dreams, art, mythology, religion and philosophy.  Jung wasn't the first in the field of dreams. However, his contributions to the dream analysis were extensive and highly influential.

When he was starting his career, he admired Eugen Bleuler a lot, Pierre Janet and, above all, Sigmund Freud.These experts were very meaningful to him, because they allowed him to start creating his own thoughts about the psychoanalysis.The creation of a method for the dream analysis and its interpretations were very important for understanding psychotic symptoms.

His big importance to me, is the distinctive way to study the human behavior. He named to certain patterns of behavior as "archetypes". These archetypes could disturb the way in which the human awareness can experiment the world and perceive themselves; besides, they could lead implicit the matrix of possible answers that it's possible to observe, in a certain moment, in the particular behavior of a subject. In this meaning, Jung believed that the archetypes act in all men, what allowed to postulate the existence of a collective unconscious. This postulate made him very famous.

As you can see, he was a very important, very versatile in so many fields and a very curious man, who could transcend thanks to all of this features. His legacy, as the one of many other interesting studious, is very important to understand the development of my field and others that are mentioned above.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A band I like

Hi!, today I'm going to talk about a band I like. This is really hard, because I love music, but if I have to choose a band, I have to say that my favourite is Beirut, which is considered by me as the best band ever. I don't know how many people are aware about their existence, don't know how popular they are, but they make a very good music. In case you don't know them, I'll tell you a little bit of what is their style. Their music combines elements from eastern Europe, folk music and mexican music. As you can see, it's a very unique style, or at least a very different one. I have to tell you, that this is what I like the most.

As a band, they started to make their very first presentations on may of 2006, to promote their launch album "Gulag Orkestar". Their leader is their vocalist, Zach Condon, who started as a solo project and then created this band. They are american, by the way.

My favourite song by Beirut is "Postcards from Italy", because everytime I listen to this song I just let go and relax. They have some other very good songs, like "Elephant gun", "Scenic world" or "Santa fe". I just want to say that I'd love to see them someday in a concert.

Here is a video, if you want to listen to them. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.